Germaine Broome's Review

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Simon's Review

Brett brought a "whole" approach to my business, which was amazing! With his extensive experience across various industries, he brought a unique perspective that got me going when I was stuck in a rut. His coaching is just the kick I needed to make the changes I wasn't.

Dave's Review

I reached out to him for assistance with some business problems, and surprisingly, we tackled a personal issue first. This entire experience taught me a valuable lesson: perhaps I can't handle everything on my own, after all. It's true what they say - two heads are better than one!

Fran's Review

I feel like I'm always rushing around, doing everything for everyone else. It's such a relief to have someone lend ME a hand. The workload turned out to be more than I thought, but hey, it's valuable. I'm still going... stronger

Natasha Madgwick's Review

Brett's advice totally turned my business around. Wasn't sure at first, but now I'm all in!

Keith Stewarts's Review

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Rebbeca Boland's Review

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Lisa Debora's Review

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Lydia Thornton's Review

Working with Brett is great. His tailored approach to coaching has helped me align my business goals with my personal, which had ended up being miles apart. My business probably hasn’t changed that much, but me, the person, is a lot happier.

Choity R's Review

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Nikolaj Marddy's Review

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Kandy Jordon's Review

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Dylan Davidson's Review

I can't say enough positive things about Brett and his coaching services! As a business owner, I appreciate his ability to see the wood for the trees and get to the issues I had. Took a bit of time (and some nagging) for me to get going.